"Password" or "P@ssw0rd"? The Great Password Debate

As a society, we've been debating the proper way to create a password for years. Should we use capital letters? Special characters? Numbers? Or should we just stick to simple, easy-to-remember words like "password"?

"Password" or "P@ssw0rd"? The Great Password Debate
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

As a society, we've been debating the proper way to create a password for years. Should we use capital letters? Special characters? Numbers? Or should we just stick to simple, easy-to-remember words like "password"?

Personally, I'm a fan of the latter approach. After all, who has time to remember all those complex, nonsensical passwords? Not me! "Password" is simple, easy to remember, and gets the job done. Plus, it's much easier to type than something like "P@ssw0rd".

But alas, the internet gods have deemed "password" to be too easy and not secure enough. So, we're forced to come up with more complex passwords that are nearly impossible to remember. I mean, seriously, who can remember "G0ldf1sh#"?

In the end, I guess it's just a matter of personal preference. Some people might prefer the simplicity of "password", while others might prefer the added security of "G0ldf1sh#". Either way, just make sure you're using a unique password for each of your online accounts. Otherwise, you're just asking for trouble.

So, what do you think? "Password" or "P@ssw0rd"? The great password debate rages on!

While this debate rages on, I never want to remember any more passwords. I generate them from a master password. While many password managers exist, the one I use is an offline password manager called Offline Pass. It does not use any server so no need to worry about the password manager getting hacked. The source code also is open source which is a plus in terms of transparency. So, if you're looking for a password manager, give it a try. Maybe you'll like it.